Stempel - Auswandererkartei Bremen

Liebe Community,

aufgrund der zahlreichen Beiträge zu den verschiedenen Stempeln auf den Karten der Bremer Auswandererkartei haben wir uns entschlossen, auch hierfür einen eigenen Beitrag zu eröffnen.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn wir immer mehr über die Stempel erfahren und somit noch mehr Informationen auf den Karten verstehen könnten.
Gern könnt ihr eure Ergebnisse in diesem Beitrag sammeln und austauschen.

Das Wissen, das ihr bereits in so vielen Fällen geteilt habt, ist ein großer Mehrwert und wir sind wirklich sehr dankbar für all eure Bemühungen, auch die kniffligsten ‚Dinge‘ klären zu wollen.

Herzlichen Dank für eure wertvolle Unterstützung!
Euer AroA-Team

Dear Community,

Due to the numerous postings on the various postmarks on the cards of the Bremen Emigration Card Index, we have decided to open a separate thread for this as well.

We would be delighted if we could learn more and more about the postmarks and thus understand even more information on the cards.
You are welcome to collect and share your findings in this thread.

The knowledge you have already shared in so many cases is a great added value and we are really very grateful for all your efforts in trying to clarify even the trickiest ‚things‘.

Thank you very much for your valuable support!
Your AroA team

2 „Gefällt mir“

In my opinion it’s a good idea to channel/bundle topics like this.
This could also be useful for the clarity of the forum in general and within a specific workflow.
(The forum has recently become much livelier, I like that!)

3 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks a lot, Elke. How do we continue? Will you channel/bundle all those threads we opened, or shoud we do that? I already thought about summarizing all my postings as for religion abbreviations in one.

2 „Gefällt mir“

Stamps C - US - A - NZ - V — (examples linked below)

Here is a short summary of the observations made so far on the (initial) topic/discussion „C-stamp“:
(as of Feb 9, 2024) - @moewenzahn @Helle74

These stamps have so far been found on cards with the emigration destinations
Canada (C) - USA (US) - Australia (A) - - New Zealand (NZ) - Venezuela (V)

  • dated 1950 -1952
  • of „Emigration Staging Center“ (camp), in combination with round stamp „Warehouse Camp Tirpitz“
  • of „Interzonal - Embarkation Center – Camp LESUM“

Up to now no such stamps have been found on “Interzonal Embarkation Center – Camp GROHN”,
not even on rare destinations such as Venezuela (example)

2 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you @routebleue ! That’s what we had in mind. If you still want to link important threads here, feel free to do so.
All the best,

2 „Gefällt mir“

As for the stamp „Kosher“ see: [Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] do_iZVNoWVagEQDbdzBnhJpW #stamp "kosher" - #5 von moewenzahn

On this card for the first time I saw the stamp „70 years“,
which probably should mean, that the passenger is (minimum ?) 70 years old.
Perhaps the crew of the ship should have a special eye on high aged people? :thinking:

Hej Helle,
I saw this stamp several times, and always the passengers were older than 70 years, but I didn´t # these cards. I guess your assumption is right.

1 „Gefällt mir“

I deleted this entry because I posted it in the wrong thread.

A compilation of all abbreviations in the Auswandererkartei Bremen can be found here: Abkürzungen im Auswanderer-workflow (challenge1/2024)

4 „Gefällt mir“

Here another „first sight“:
stamp. Heavy Worker

Here is another one: