Abkürzungen im Auswanderer-workflow (challenge1/2024)

Abbreviations in fields nationality and religion

I tried to find out about the abbreviations in the workflow, just suggestions, to be completed/corrected/ continued!
Here is a compilation of all abbreviations found so far, for further explanations and sources see the entries below.


7 da
Seventh Day Adventist (?)

acappp = most likely typo for acrpdp

ahf = most likely „American Hungarian Federation“

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

ancha = ? see: [Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei im Original)] do_HoiTVjRJFxWpS8CWaVJMK

Edit Jan. 2025:
ANCHA seems to stand for either „The Armenian National Committee to Aid Homeless Armenians“

or „American National Committee for Homeless Armenians“

arm = armenian (church)

armg. g.
Armenian Apostolic Church, also named Armenian Gregorian Church (?)

baptist ACCR
Advisory Committee for Church Relations (?)

cath. CCR = ? (perhaps short for ACCR - see one line above)

CCFR = likely Catholic Charities of Fall River

cl. (nansen or others) seems to stand for „claim“

cws = Church World Service

e.f.k. = Evangelische Freikirche?

e.g. = ethnic German

e.L. = evangelical Lutheran

ev lsr = ?

ev nlc/NLC
evangelical - National Lutheran Council

ev lwf
evangelical - Lutheran World Federation

gc iirc = ?

gc uuarc
greek catholic - United Ukrainian American Relief Committee

gc tolst
maybe refers to Nicholas Tolstoy (see below)

g rvc = ?

ind = individual or independent

IRC / irc = most likely International Rescue Committee,
successor of
IRRC = most likely International Rescue and Relief Committee

jew jias
jewish - Jewish immigrant aid services

jew usna
jewish - United Service for New Americans

karaim = karaimisch

luth fws = ??

luth ws
lutheran - Lutheran World Federation / World Service

menn = Mennonites

moh. = mohamedanisch (muslim)

mos hias
mosaic - Mosaic United

mosl cws
muslim - Church World Service


orth afii
orthodox - American Federation of International Institutes (?)

orth ncwd ?

pro AAZ ?

prot LWF
Lutheran World Federation

prot nlc
protestant - National Lutheran Council

prot R
Probably Reformed Church in Hungary(?)

rc acrpdp
roman catholic - American Committee for Resettlement of Polish Displaced Persons

rc. ahf
roman catholic - most likely American Hungarian Federation

rc dpcom =?, maybe another short for usdpc, see below

rcin = most likely „rc ind“ (roman catholic independent)

rc jcwc = likely a typo for ncwc (see below)

roman catholic - National Catholic Welfare Council/Conference

r.c. usdpc
United States Displaced Persons Commission

ref. = reformed (evangelic)

s.o. = serbian-orthodox

unitar. = Unitarism

USC = Unitarian Service Committee (also UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)

v.g./vg/VG = Venezia Giulia

wh rut
most likely refers to „White Ruthenia“ (Weißruthenien)

2 „Gefällt mir“

Thank’s for sharing your research results! With your help, we can certainly complete the list of abbreviations.
Kind regards,

e. g. stands for ethnic German (Volksdeutsch)

2 „Gefällt mir“


rc. ahf = Academy of the Holy Family?
As I wrote above, these are only assumptions …
Edit: much more likely „American Hungarian Foundation“, see routebleue´s post below.

Can´t find „rc. ind“, anybody an idea?
See: [Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei im Original)] do_NgTEwmW6Lvyw4uyiuFaR5 - #3 von helleroessler

e.L. should be evangelical-lutheran


ort ancha - maybe „ancha“ is some branch of the Greek-Orthodox church, as suggested by moewenzahn? (see Ancha icon - Ancha icon - Wikipedia )

mos hias = mosaic HIAS - Mosaic United I believe

Menn = Mennonites

prot nlc = National Lutheran Council

s.o. = likely serbian-orthodox Serbian Orthodox Church - Wikipedia
As far as I can see all cards with „so“ have nationality yugoslavian, e.g. Every Name Counts

1 „Gefällt mir“

e.g. steht für ethnic German (siehe oben)
Vielen Dank, daß Du bei ENC mithilfst und schönes Wochenende :grinning:

Oh, vielen Dank!

luth ws = Lutheran World Federation / World Service? Founded 1947:


gc uuarc = greek orthodox United Ukrainian American Relief Committee Founded 1944


rc acrpdp = American Committee for Resettlement of Polish Displaced Persons

jew usna = United Service for New Americans:

(see also above, I was already wondering about all those people being aided by the US Naval Academy …)


v.g. = ? anybody an idea? @carola.b @routebleue

I was wondering about „v.g-“.too, when I had.this Bremen card of Germille COLMANO, with same POB „Pola“ , formerly in Italy, later part of Yugoslavia (today Pula, Croatia)
One of his documents mentions „Pola, VG, Yug“ (see entry in „country of last residence“)
„Italian VG origin claimed“ (entry in „Ethnic or National group“)

Just an idea:
VG for „Venezia Giulia“ (abbreviation found in source), according to Wikipedia a historical region on the Upper Adriatic in Central Europe. Pola is mentioned as one of its provinces.

[edit 31.01.2024]
Just had another card with „VG“ and place of birth „Pola“

1 „Gefällt mir“

Your hunch was right, @routebleue!

I would like to put it in a historical context to justify the fact that VG stands for Venezia Giulia:

Italy annexed Venezia Giulia; the city of Fiume was also annexed.

After the war, from 1945 to 1947, Venezia Giulia was occupied by Allied Anglo-American troops (Zone “A” - the territory with the city of Trieste) and troops of the Yugoslav People’s Army. The zones of occupation were demarcated along the so-called Morgan Line. In Zone A, Italian stamps were overprinted „A.M.G./V.G.“ (Allied Military Government/Venezia Giulia) in September 1945. In 1947, following the Paris Peace Treaties, Italy ceded most of these lands to Yugoslavia.
Source: Wikipedia

A nice day to all of you!

2 „Gefällt mir“

Goddes, what a lovely crew onboard! Thank you both!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Religion + „ind.“
I found „ind“ with different religions (jew / r.c. …) and I support @Helle74 's idea (ind = abbreviation for „individual“ )
Most shipping lists have a column where the sponsoring agencies are listed (USNA; NCWC etc)
For the emigrants I have encountered with this abbreviation, there is only a name in this column, no organization (example Juda FISCHER (entry: jew ind.) in this shipping list)
So maybe „ind.“ either indicates that the emigrant went „individually“ or that the „sponsor“ was an „individual“

2 „Gefällt mir“

I was also thinking about „independent“ = not affiliated with any organisation

That would of course also make sense! (and the meaning is similar)
So I’ll go on entering „ind.“ in the (+) field under „religion“.
Have a good day everybody – spring is near!

By now I entered it in the „religion“ field (e.g. „jew usna“)- @gabriela.silva, which way should we go on?