Abbreviations in fields nationality and religion
I tried to find out about the abbreviations in the workflow, just suggestions, to be completed/corrected/ continued!
Here is a compilation of all abbreviations found so far, for further explanations and sources see the entries below.
7 da
Seventh Day Adventist (?)
acappp = most likely typo for acrpdp
ahf = most likely „American Hungarian Federation“
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
ancha = ? see: [Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei im Original)] do_HoiTVjRJFxWpS8CWaVJMK
Edit Jan. 2025:
ANCHA seems to stand for either „The Armenian National Committee to Aid Homeless Armenians“
or „American National Committee for Homeless Armenians“
arm = armenian (church)
armg. g.
Armenian Apostolic Church, also named Armenian Gregorian Church (?)
baptist ACCR
Advisory Committee for Church Relations (?)
cath. CCR = ? (perhaps short for ACCR - see one line above)
CCFR = likely Catholic Charities of Fall River
cl. (nansen or others) seems to stand for „claim“
cws = Church World Service
e.f.k. = Evangelische Freikirche?
e.g. = ethnic German
e.L. = evangelical Lutheran
ev lsr = ?
ev nlc/NLC
evangelical - National Lutheran Council
ev lwf
evangelical - Lutheran World Federation
gc iirc = ?
gc uuarc
greek catholic - United Ukrainian American Relief Committee
gc tolst
maybe refers to Nicholas Tolstoy (see below)
g rvc = ?
ind = individual or independent
IRC / irc = most likely International Rescue Committee,
successor of
IRRC = most likely International Rescue and Relief Committee
jew jias
jewish - Jewish immigrant aid services
jew usna
jewish - United Service for New Americans
karaim = karaimisch
luth fws = ??
luth ws
lutheran - Lutheran World Federation / World Service
menn = Mennonites
moh. = mohamedanisch (muslim)
mos hias
mosaic - Mosaic United
mosl cws
muslim - Church World Service
orth afii
orthodox - American Federation of International Institutes (?)
orth ncwd ?
pro AAZ ?
prot LWF
Lutheran World Federation
prot nlc
protestant - National Lutheran Council
prot R
Probably Reformed Church in Hungary(?)
rc acrpdp
roman catholic - American Committee for Resettlement of Polish Displaced Persons
rc. ahf
roman catholic - most likely American Hungarian Federation
rc dpcom =?, maybe another short for usdpc, see below
rcin = most likely „rc ind“ (roman catholic independent)
rc jcwc = likely a typo for ncwc (see below)
roman catholic - National Catholic Welfare Council/Conference
r.c. usdpc
United States Displaced Persons Commission
ref. = reformed (evangelic)
s.o. = serbian-orthodox
unitar. = Unitarism
USC = Unitarian Service Committee (also UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)
v.g./vg/VG = Venezia Giulia
wh rut
most likely refers to „White Ruthenia“ (Weißruthenien)