[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei im Original)] do_HoiTVjRJFxWpS8CWaVJMK

  • Document ID: do_HoiTVjRJFxWpS8CWaVJMK
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

Nationality: „ststel“? Religion: Is „ancha“ (after „ort“) another agency not mentioned in the list?

Hi Frank,

nationality reads „statel“ = stateless

As for „ancha“, I found the follwing: Ancha icon - Wikipedia, maybe it is some branch of the Greek-Orthodox church …
Here you find a thread discussing the abbreviations on the cards, feel free to contribute Abkürzungen im Auswanderer-workflow (challenge1/2024) - #3 von carola.b

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you, Moewenzahn! I thought about „stateless“ but then the third typed letter surely is a „s“, not an „a“, so I took that over as we are asked in principal not to change any entries :slight_smile:
For „ancha“ I will visit the other thread a suggested.

I think „statsl“ is a typo, which occurs pretty often. Feel free to mark it as #typo in future, but you´re right, in principal we should note down all data exactly as they are.

A year later:
ANCHA seems to be „The Armenian National Committee to Aid Homeless Armenians“, see