Just a thought; could it be perhaps helpful if the issue of the posts would be visible? Quite a lot questions come in about the same issue again and again. Also if someone provides additional information about a prisoner, it might be interesting for others to find them. With most of the posts titled only e.g. [Hätlingspersonalkarte Stutthof …] it’s getting more and more difficult and confusing.
Kind Regards
2 „Gefällt mir“
Thanks for the input! We are still getting to know the forum and trying to bring more structure to the posts.
I, too, would like that very much!
Perhaps it could be helpful to split „Fragen und Anmerkungen zu den eingegebenen Dokumenten“ into two categories „Fragen“ and „Anmerkungen“ so that questions can be easier recognized and dealth with by the researchers and additional information on prisoner or hashtags have their own space?
3 „Gefällt mir“
@annabell.boerger anything new about this issue?
And how do volunteers without registration, who enter questions as „#“, get a response? Must be frustrating if you ask something and never get a reply.