Hallo Beate,
„Lumbermen“ sind Holzfäller. Vielleicht gab es ja ein spezielles Camp für kanadische Holzfäller??
Schönen Nachmittag
One of the basic ENC rules says: If parts of an entry are not clear, we fill in „unclear“ for the entire field.
As for this DP3 workflow, is this rule still valid?
Personally, I think it’s a pity that in some cases information isn’t indexed/gets lost, just because a single number (e.g. block number) or a single word may not be readable. (This particularly affects the info given in “address” and “destination”)
Hello everyone,
For this DP3 workflow, the rule still applies that fields are entered as “unclear” even if only parts are illegible. As soon as “unclear” is entered, our quality management team takes another look and completes the entries. This ensures that no data is lost.
Sunny greetings,