After entering the data of a card, the system does not allow me to enter a comment or a question. Instead, I get asked if I want to log in. Then when I click on Account, it shows my account name, so I am logged in. When I go back, my document is gone. But it does not appear under „My Documents“. So I don’t even know if my input was saved.
So far I have not found any instructions on this topic.
(I hope this is still an international project … oder nur noch auf Deutsch!?)
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Dear @bluewhale21 - I hope it will become an international project again, because I think it is necessary that it remains international. When there are questions in German, I answer in German, otherwise I always try it in English first, so that everybody can understand who wants to understand (at least I hope my English is somehow understandable ;-))
I already noticed the same problem you have, that depends on the fact that you aren’t automatically logged in the forum when you are already logged in the site, that’s why you are sometimes asked to log in again when you want to take part in the forum-talk (not always by the way), i.e. when you want to write a comment. I really hope that will become less complicated in the following weeks, for me it was very irritating at the beginning.
At the moment when I enter the site and a card appears, I first always click on the button „Forum“. If it shows „Start a discussion“ I know I’m already logged in and I go back to the card, start indexing and if I want to add a comment, I click on „Start a discussion“ afterwards and so on, as you already know, I think.
If after clicking on the button „Forum“ the „Log in“-order appears I normally don’t start with indexing because I know I can’t comment this card afterwards anyway as you already noticed. In this case I first log in and I can go further, because I’m logged in now in the forum as well.
Describing this procedure I notice again how laborious it is, at least I didn’t find another way till now. Perhaps there is one, when I find it I’ll write you as soon as possible.
Have a nice day!
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Thank you @jweste3460 for your detailed answer. I thought it was only me who had this problem. It sounds like these two systems don’t really work together. Let’s hope we get over the teething problems soon.
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