Logging-in problems

Hello, Is there some chages I can make as at the moment I can access only the Polish cards. Both the CLI and the IRO (Bremen) cards can not be accessed by me. I am coming in to the system from Finland.

Hello, just to give you a feedback:
for me all 3 workflows are accessible and working as usual. (in Germany) I use firefox.
Maybe just try again? (restart PC, different browser, a separate tab and log-in for each of the 3 workflows…)
Good luck and kind regards to Finland!

Ok. Will try these suggestions. Some of them I have already tried but not the one with separate for each workflow. Good to know that my email works. Had to add an „authentication“ to incoming mail.

Anu Kivimäki

-------- Alkuperäinen viesti --------
Lähettäjä: routebleue via Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives notifications@arolsen-archives.discoursemail.com
Päivämäärä: 15.2.2024 11.06 (GMT+02:00)
Saaja: anu.kivimaki(gelöscht von E. Helmentag)
Aihe: [Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives] [Hilfe bei Problemen] Logging-in problems

| routebleue
15. Februar |

  • | - |

Hello, just to give you a feedback:
for me all 3 workflows are accessible and working as usual. (in Germany) I use firefox.
Maybe just try again? (restart PC, different browser, a separate tab and log-in for each of the 3 workflows…)
Good luck and kind regards to Finland!

I’m not sure if you are aware of the fact that your email address is seen here in the forum.
Maybe you would like to change your post / delete the address?

Tried once to change the location where you have to add your email to create a Profile. But did not manage to do it. Have received two emails from people volunteering for Arolsen, so I do not know if very many even notice it/use it

Anu Kivimäki

-------- Alkuperäinen viesti --------
Lähettäjä: routebleue via Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives notifications@arolsen-archives.discoursemail.com
Päivämäärä: 15.2.2024 11.29 (GMT+02:00)
Saaja: anu.kivimaki
Aihe: [Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives] [Hilfe bei Problemen] Logging-in problems

| routebleue
15. Februar |

  • | - |

I’m not sure if you are aware of the fact that your email address is seen here in the forum.
Maybe you would like to change your post / delete the address?

Hello Anu,

Firstly I would like to mention that I have changed your email address. I just want to prevent you from receiving unwanted mails.

Regarding the login problems, I hope it works now. Perhaps the browser is still accessing saved data, so clearing the history might help.


1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you. My German is quite bad (learned it in school in the 1970’ties)

1 „Gefällt mir“