Neustadt DP3 cards: How to deal with other entries, e.g. in "Destination", "Remarks":

  • Document ID: do_VntHc9VfeZfgs7LMKGHEx
  • Document Collection: 7-5-31-Museum Cap Arcona -Arbeitskarten
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

registration number – unclear notes

doubts registration number:
I entered G21925452 (looks like a correction) / in (+) field: G21025452
Infact it reads G21025452 in his other DP documents.

Some unclear notes and dates.
arrival 14.12.1946 (? from Lübeck?)
returned ( from Oldenburg prison on 16.06.1947 ? )
was registered out on 14.01. [1947 ? or 1949 ?]
„taken off strength (?) 16.03.1949 ref(erence?) 626/91 21.02.1949“, (= was removed from the list of DPs ?. I only know terms like"troop strength / staff strength"…)

Mieczislaw JAROSZ

Hello routebleue,

these are really difficult decisions sometimes. Highest respect to you all.

There is a lot of information on this card in particular that is confusing - at least for me - as some of the details are not so easy for me to read.

I would have entered the registration number the same way,
For me, 14.12.1946 is the date of arrival from Lübeck.
I can’t clearly identify the year for 14.01. either.

We have also discussed this internally and decided that the details under ‚Remarks‘, which cannot be clearly assigned but say something about the fate of the person, can be entered as free text in a new field (+) for destination.

Thank you very much!

2 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks a lot, @elke.helmentag, for your answer concerning the entries in „Remarks“!.

Just to get it right:
„taken off strength 16.3.49 ref 626/91 21 Feb 49“ (last line)
I would enter it verbatim as free text in a „(+) destination“ field. (The two dates obviously have nothing to do with arrival or departure, so they were not entered beforehand)

16.06.47 is entered in „(+) date of arrival“

As for information about previous whereabouts (e.g. “From Lübeck”):
Also to be entered in „(+) destination“ ? (Because this says something about the person’s fate?)
If so, how many (+)destinations fields would there be for this card? Three? ( = one for the info in each (Remarks) line?)

Since not all entries in „Remarks“ have something to do with the person’s „destination“, perhaps a separate (additional) input field „Remarks“ would make sense here? With a few explanations under [?/Help]?
Certainly these questions will also arise in the future. Clarification would immediately be available and would not have to be searched for in the forum.

Final question: Camp information „A.C. 1227“ (or similar) often appears as a note somewhere in the card, usually at the top as above.
Ignore it or enter it in „Assigned billet number/address“ or the corresponding (+) field?

Sunny May greetings to everyone! … :parasol_on_ground:

Good morning @routebleue,

it should be entered this way:

"16.06.47” should be entered in (+) date of arrival
(+) destination: „From Lübeck“
(+) destination: „From Oldenburg-Prison“
(+) destination: „taken off strength 16.3.49 ref 626/91 21 Feb 49“

Even if the information does not always fit thematically in “destination”, we have decided to enter it in this field. The data will be evaluated by historians in Neustadt/Holstein anyway.

The assembly camp number (AC 1227 is the number of Neustadt/Holstein) is not required in this workflow.

Have a nice day,

2 „Gefällt mir“

…just to clarify: if the AC number appears in the address/assigned billet number field, please enter it.

Thanks, Annabell! :hibiscus:
(It feels better to be sure where to enter what! )
A good day to you too!

[edit] I have just changed the title and the category of this discussion, for a bit more Übersichtlichkeit!


How to deal with other entries in „Destination“ and „Remarks“ like names of family members?

To me, family members are part of a person’s fate. So I enter the corresponding info into a (+) field of „destination“ (as free text) – like in this card „sister: Eili 030154“ (hoping this is correct…)
Kind regards!

2 „Gefällt mir“

That is correct! Thanks for your answer.

Kind regards,

2 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks! :slight_smile:

as for 6-digit-numbers „somewhere“ in the cards (like here „037411“, top center)
and the entry „reg. out“ (registered out)
see this discussion

as for entry in REMARKS „German nat.“ - „(3) German nationality“ → (+) Feld / (+) field* „Nationality“)
see this discussion

entry concerning date of death:
e.g. „died 23.6.46“ → (+) destination as free text (exactly as in the document)
see this discussion

crossed out entries without a correction → the corresponding field
see this discussion

1 „Gefällt mir“