- Document ID: do_mYkt1WcuVVZui9WZw9yaF
- Document Collection: 7-5-31-Museum Cap Arcona -Arbeitskarten
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On this card like on some others there is no registration number in the foreseen field but a number that might be a registration number in the upper middle of the card.
Sometimes this upper number is in addition to the „regular“. How to act in both cases?
Leave the field „registration number“ empty or fill in the upper number (in addition)?
Maybe there is already a thread about it that I did´n´t get?
Who knows about it?
Schöne Pfingsten alle zusammen!
Hallo Helle,
I had cards similar to yours and found these 6-digit numbers on other documents belonging to the person in question, marked as „DP-Ausw.“
Example Number „024038“, related to Leonids Boze:
- in his DP3 card
- in field 4 in this document
- right column in this document
also see the Arolsen e-guide „DP identity card (IRO)“ (details given with mouse on the different card sections)
So I always ignore these numbers when they are noted down „somewhere“ in the card (like in your example often in the top center. In this case I would leave „reg. number“ blank)
I only enter them in „Registration number“ when the document itself shows them in this field, like in my example above (from this discussion)
I also enter them in (+) destination when a relative is noted with his/her ID number in the field „Remarks“, like
„Wife: XY, [ID number]…“
Let’s wait and see what the Arolsen team will say about this after the holidays.
Until then: have a good time!
P.S. Just to seize the opportunity:
What about dates marked as „reg. out“ (registered out) like in this card?
Usually I don’t enter them in „Departure“, but as parts of a free text.
For this card I would enter „died reg. out 29.1.48“ in „(+) destination“. (It says somthing about the persons fate.)
Here „Departure“ and „Destination“ would be empty.
My idea behind it: Leaving a camp and being registered out, this doesn’t have to happen on the same day. (wie „geflüchtet“ und „abgesetzt“ in anderen Dokumenten)
But I am really unsure about this.
Thank you @routebleue, that is exactly what I did so far. But sometimes I doubt aboout my decisions and want to know if it is the right way or if I better should do it deifferently…
And I also agree about entering „died reg. out 29.1.48“ in (+)destination. But sometimes…
Good morning everyone,
I apologize for the late reply, I completely overlooked your question.
It is exactly as you assume, if the number cannot be assigned exactly, please ignore it. Dates marked as „reg. out“ (registered out) can be entered via „(+) destination“.
Have a nice day,