What do I do with obvious spelling mistakes in the Docauments?

Hello all,

I just had someone who’s name was Stanislaw but it was spelled Stanislwa on the card.
Do I type „Stanislaw“ or do I type the mistake? I guess the mistake (so what’s actually on the document)?


Hi, actually I think it was not a misspelling, Stanislawa is the female version of the name Stanislaw.
However, you are right, please stick to the „golden rule“ that sais: The most important thing you need to know: Type in the information exactly as it appears on the document. If this rule does not apply at any point, we’ll tell you.
So even if something is - for us - an obvious typo, we enter them exactly as on the card.

It IS a typo though because it’s „Stanislwa“ and not „Stanislawa“.

Sorry, yes, of course, you are right.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Sorry, but could also be a typo for Stanislawa … In such case you can try to find the prisoner in Arolsen Archives https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/search and check the spelling. Or you could try USHMM website Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database -- Search for Names or YadVashem website https://collections.yadvashem.org/de/names
And if any questions it´s always good to put a link to the card here so we can do further research.