September as admittance day

Is there a historical reason why so many Dachau cards have an admittance day in September ?. I know I see only a small numer of cards.

Hi, in case you are referring to September 1944, this is surely one of the reasons:

Quote: „In the last months of the war [i.e.1944], the conditions at Dachau deteriorated. As Allied forces advanced toward Germany, the Germans began to move prisoners from concentration camps near the front to more centrally located camps. They hoped to prevent the liberation of large numbers of prisoners. Transports from the evacuated camps arrived continuously at Dachau. […] Owing to repeated transports from the front, the camp was constantly overcrowded and the hygiene conditions were beneath human dignity. Starting from the end of 1944 up to the day of liberation, 15,000 people died, about half of all the prisoners held at KZ Dachau.“ (end quote)
(source: Dachau concentration camp - Wikipedia)

Kind regards to Finland!

Thank you for your answer @routebleue , which I can only confirm.
In our online archive you can find numerous access lists with names of prisoners who came to Dachau from other camps. One example of this is the transfer of over 400 prisoners from the Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp to Dachau on 23 September 1944, when the original Natzweiler-Struthof camp was liberated by the Allies in November 1944.

All the best,

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