- Document ID: 1488155
- Document Collection: „1-1-26-3-Individuelle Unterlagen Maenner Mauthausen“
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/1488155
As for the red numbers in the Gusen cards:
Maybe it is possible to have some additional examples and details in the help text?
The red numbers’ positions in the card is obviously not the only criterium.
In this card there is another (red) prisoner number in the upper right corner, whereas the red number in the middle is (probably) the one we should ignore.
My intuitive decision (according to the different handwritings) was confirmed by his other Arolsen documents.
I entered these three: 43057 (in red, his Mauthausen number), 13936 (his Dachau number), 7555 (edit: might be his Flossenbürg number, see below!) - I ignored 6277.
(This is just one example of scattered/mixed up red numbers. I had other cards similar to this one.)
[ edit 25.06.2024: Meanwhile the help-text has been adjusted accordingly! also see this discussion ]
Und noch eine Kleinigkeit am Rande: In der englischen Gusen-Zusammenfassung („What we know so far“) wird das Geburtsdatum fehlerhaft angezeigt. Die deutsche Version ist okay.
(Ist aber nicht wirklich wichtig.)
ein gutes Wochenende allerseits!
on ushmm
Hallo @routebleue,
danke für den Hinweis zu der englischen Zusammenfassung, wir haben es angepasst!
Den Hinweis mit den roten Nummern gebe ich gerne weiter.
I’ll pass on the suggestion about the red numbers.
A quick addition to the prisoner numbers:
Alois Hlavac was admitted to Dachau on July 19, 1940, prisoner number 13936;
transferred to the Mauthausen/Gusen concentration camp on August 16/17, 1940, prisoner number 7555/43057.
According to our investigations, there was a renumbering in Gusen on January 24, 1944.
Incidentally, some prisoners could have two or three Gusen prisoner numbers.
In any case, 7555 it is not a Flossenbürg prisoner number! As already mentioned, 6277 is an internal numbering of the index cards.
Have a nice day,
Thanks for your extra work and this clarification!
I have changed my comment above.
Have a sunny summerday!