- Document ID: do_NtBuTDmLxdUjgFt8yjen9
- Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“
different dates of birth (as given in some of his Buchenwald documents)
Date of admittance:
04.05.1945 is not very likely and seems to be a typo.
According to the sources below he came to Dachau on 04.03.1943
places of internment:
arrested Nov, 1942 by Stapo Hannover
19.12.1942 admitted to Buchenwald (prisoner number 7541)
04.03.1943 transferred to Dachau
liberated in Allach (according to ushmm)
Czeslaw LANGA, also spelt LANGE (see his signature)