- Document ID: 135818731
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
#czechoslovakia POB: Podbrezowa
Accused of illegally entering Canada and war crimes:
- 04.12.1947 sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment and 3 years of forced labor for his activities in POHG, in 1958 tried in absentia for participation in massacres in Kremnička and Nemecka
- escaped from a forced labor camp in 1949 and emigrated to Canada via Austria in 1950
- in 1996, the process of his extradition to the Slovak Republic began, interrupted due to his death
Josef Nemsila (1914-1997) - Find a Grave Memorial
War criminals: the Deschênes Commission (87-3E)
Canada: Accused Nazi Cannot Be Deported, Even if He Lied - Jewish Telegraphic Agency