- Document ID: 135826240
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
[Auswandererkartei Bremen Part 05 (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] 135826240 Ivan Nyilas
#hungary POB: Sajószentpéter
In 1914, born Iván Ferenc Nyilas de Nemesbikk in Hejőpapi, County of Borsod, Hungary, to a family of landed gentry. Graduated from the prestigious Ferenc Jozsef Military Academy in 1932; commissioned as officer in the Royal Hungarian Csendőrség in February 1938; platoon leader during reoccupation of the Felvidék in Northern Hungary in 1938; during reoccupation of Transylvania served as commander of the Szatmárnémety attachment with the IX. Kolozsvári Csendőr battalion from 1940 until 1943; Deputy to the Chief of Counterintlligence, Department H-20 (Kémelháritó Osztály) of the Royal Ministry of Defense in Budapest until 1945; prisoner of war in American detention camp in Germany until 1946; emirgrated to Canada in 1950, then to the USA; he laboured in a factory by day and completed an Accounting Degree at Fenn College (Cleveland State University) at night. - submitted by G. Szentmiklosy on 09/27/2010
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