- Document ID: 135818195
- Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
#ship name should read „Columbia“ [Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] 135712453
These cross-links confirm that seagulls not only have sharp teeth and eyes, but also a brilliant memory!
And I like these words in Ms Nejedly’s obituary (linked by @velthove1): „[…] Born in Trutnov, Czechoslovakia on May 11th, 1910. Julie successfully survived World War I, the Great Depression, the Nazi Occupation, World War II and the Soviet Occupation, and escaped to freedom in 1948. She arrived in Canada in 1950 with her family. Through it all, her strength and courage assured her family’s future in the new country. It was her brave qualities and positive nature that carried them forward.[…]“
The courage of all these people and their efforts cannot be appreciated enough.
I also admire all those who worked so tirelessly after the end of the war to clear up the chaos and to support all these stranded DPs. This includes all the nameless scribes and other staff. Day after day they had to deal with hundreds of passengers, cards, stamps,…
(So it can easily happen that a fantasy ship „Galumbia“ leaves for Canada! ; - )
Greetings to you two! Sun is shining!
Lucky you! Wetterau is the realm of THE FOG …
Ahoi from FS Galumbia!