The word "CLEARANCE" on CLI-cards: meaning and what to do

The meaning of the word „CLEARANCE“ according to the CLI-instruction booklet:

“In order to differentiate between the agency registration card (which bears a code-letter and number) the word “CLEARANCE” is typed and used for the index number.”

source: page 99 of the CLI instruction booklet


Booklet regarding the establishment of the Central Location Index (CLI) in New York, 1944 (

What to do with the word „Clearance“ according to the ENC-moderators:

Please click on the small plus sign on the right below the input field. Another input field will then appear. Please enter „L xy“ in the first and „Clearance“ in the second

Wenn auf den Karten clearance steht, dies bitte in das Buchstabenfeld eintragen und das Zahlenfeld leer lassen. Oftmals ist clearance zusätzlich angegeben, dann bitte über das + eine weitere Eingabemöglichkeit öffnen und es entsprechend eintragen.

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