[Postkontrollkarten Männer Buchenwald] 7319859

  • Document ID: 7319859
  • Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-individuelle Unterlagen Buchenwald Männer

Discussion Question

Means the yellow stripe on the card,that someone passed away?

Crossing out the documents (red or yellow line)

A less obvious feature found on many documents from concentration camps is a line drawn across the card or form. These lines, usually drawn with a red colored pencil, can mean that the prisoner had died in the camp, had been transferred to another camp or had been released. Cards for prisoners who were no longer in a camp were often be crossed out like this so that the back side could continue to be used without causing any confusion about the two different names on the card. Other symbols are usually found on the cards of prisoners who died. There may be a stamp or handwritten note indicating the date of death, and a regular cross or straight-armed Balkenkreuz – with or without the date of death – may be clearly drawn or stamped on the card.
Stempel und Markierungen auf den Dokumenten / Stamps and marks on the documents

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