- Document ID: 9667217
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9667217
Lazare Louis ETLINGER
#Ukrainian #jew
Lazare Etlinger was born on 26/01/1922 in Korolowka (Ukraine). He was the son of Salmon Etlinger and Fajga née Mozelman, and the brother of Fred Etlinger. He was a furrier and lived at 54 bis rue Molière in Montreuil s/Bois. He was arrested by the French police during the „Green Ticket“ round-up on 14/05/1941 and interned at the Beaune-la-Rolande camp. Lazare Etlinger was deported on convoy 5, which left the Beaune-la-Rolande camp for Auschwitz on 28/06/1942. His registration number at the Auschwitz camp was 42943. His brother was arrested and deported at the same time. When Auschwitz was evacuated, he was transferred to the Buchenwald camp. On 11/04/1945 he was liberated by the American army and was repatriated to France on 29/04/1945.
Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.org)
The comment of the Paris Shoah Memorial only mentions his brother Fred (Efraim), but he had another brother who was also deported from France:
Brother: Aron Etlinger
https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/names/14983617 (with testimony submitted by his brother Lazare Etlinger)