- Document ID: 9686890
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9686890
#polish #jew
Jankiel Zlotowicz was born on 02/06/1910 in Wegrow (Poland). He is a tailor and lives at 14, rue des Rigoles in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. He was married to Estera, née Sztulwark, with whom he had a son, Henri, born in 1934. He was arrested by the French police during the Vel d’Hiv round-up, along with his wife and their son. All three were interned in the Pithiviers camp. Jankiel Zlotowicz was deported on convoy 13, which left Pithiviers on 31/07/1942 for the Auschwitz camp. His registration number at the Auschwitz camp was 55753. He was assigned to work in the Jawischowitz coal mine until January 1945, when the camp was evacuated. He was then taken to the Buchenwald camp, where he was given the number 117,509. He was liberated in Buchenwald by the American army on 11/04/1945. He was repatriated to Paris on 01/05/1945. Estera was deported on convoy 14 and Henri was deported from Drancy on convoy 21. Only Jankiel returned from deportation.