… am after digitizing my first couple of pages. Is it possible, please, so the mid section of the page is not asked by the transcription workflow question series? (Sorry, mein Deutsch ist ziemlich schwach! I’d prefer English)
Thanks for your assistance,
Peter Füzi (68)
ret. programmer math.
Telki, Hungary
grandson of a Hc. victim
For now the researchers want to have the most important data collected (like name, birth date, etc.) and perhaps later on raise a different workflow for the rest of the data.
I think this is mentioned also somewhere on „Information“.
Kind Regards
Edit: Here it is: „The Arolsen Archives have over 30 million documents. They contain references to over 17.5 million victims of Nazi persecution. When someone is searching for a specific person in our archives, some pieces of information are more important than others. For example, it can be difficult or even impossible to search for information about a person if their name is not in our database. And if the search results include several people with exactly the same name, their dates of birth and last known addresses can make it much easier to find the right person. So here at #everynamecounts, we concentrate on entering the most important information first. Our aim is to process as many documents as possible in a short time. By working together, we can give more victims their names back – and piece together parts of their stories too.“
Thank you, so much, Martina. This way the process is fairly simple - the practice depends on the specifics of the handwriting.
I am to contribute to the progress with ongoing daily sessions. Also, I would welcome some initial feedback on the compliance of the records I transcribed.
(Btw. the workflow, and the help pages are well organized. My respect goes to all the authors.)
Thanks again, kind regards,
Hi Péter, I am afraid it will not possible for the researchers to give feedback on ones compliance. In the ongoing workflows about 100.000 cards have been issued, plus the ones that are already finished, plus the ones that are yet to come. That’s simply too many documents. I also don’t know whether it is reported who entered what data for which document (although I suspekt the software can).
We can only learn from each other and do our very best. As every document is classified three times, any mistake we make will be corrected.
Have a good day,
Hi dear Martina,
certainly it stands ok in your answer. I meant feeding back just the very first couple of the records of a newbie contributor only. I am a brand new face within this team, and I thought this could accelerate our learning process. With your kind answer and gaining more and more experienc, I am more and more familiar with the systems and with the process. I percieve so there are some dedicated tools (saving our documents for later reference, taking questions on particular content of a document) that supports our work. I expect so I can cope well with the task.
With collegial regards,
Dear Peter,
We are happy that you are working on our project! #everynamecounts has been running for three years now and we have been able to get great results from the work of the community. A week ago, we switched to the current platform and are continuously working on improvements.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to return the first input from users to them with feedback. The export of all inputs only takes place when all documents of a workflow have been processed - feedback would then probably be too late.
However, you can always use this forum. We know that a lot of questions arise, especially at the beginning, which we as staff of the Arolsen Archives are happy to answer together with the community - thanks to Martina.
All the best,
Dear Franziska,
welcome your highlights, and thank you for them. Special thanks for reacting my question about the beginners’ learning curve .
Martina and you sent nice answers. After submitting about further 30 transcriptions, I guess I am fairly familiar with the context, so I can provide the project with proper records.
I think there is no really room here for discussing individual concerns. Still - in order to flash my commitment a bit- let me mention my multiple bindings to #everynamecounts. Yesterday I checked location of Stuthoff, so to see the place where the prisoners behind the papers lived and worked. I have had some yachtmen past with several regattas sailed in the Gdansk area. The map revealed that Stuthoff is as near as abt. 40 km’s from Gdansk! - a shocking new knowledge to me. Second: my profession. I am a retired IT/IS auditor; as such I guess perhaps I can see much more details from this project, than most of our data entry colleagues. All what I can see is a fair infrastructure, a fair project owner and a nice community working for a gentle goal. Last but not least, relationship of Arolsen Archive and my family background. My grandfather disappeared in the war at end of 1944. We have known nothing about his fate so far, excluded that he sent his ultimate farewell postcard from a West-Hungarian village early December. The last November I was hinted to send a question to Arolsen Archive, to you - about my grandfather’s fate. Mid December I received an answer with evidences. My grandfather was registered in the Buchenwald camp, and he was reported there as dead in mid January '45. I,e. the answer brought to my family a ultimate evidence, a certainty, where my grandfather must have spent his last days … Even if this certainty is sad to us, still, it is a final message. Now we know, where he finished his life. At least we have the location, instead of the aching uncertainty, that he was lost somewhere in the war.
If somebody understands importance of project #everynamecounts, well he/she is me and everybody else in similar situation: searching or finding information of lost relatives, beloved ones. Our work is very very important. Thank Arolsen Archive for starting the project #everynamecounts.
You can regard me as a committed team member. I do my best to enter series of prisoner records from time to time. I regard the fact that I can add their names to the memorial register, as part of a late burial ceremony. Not just my compatriots’, but the case of all of them touches me deeply.
Thanks for I can be here with you. Regards,