- Document ID: do_HSmnjUdeR5hezCMQj51T6
- Document Collection: 7-5-31-Museum Cap Arcona -Arbeitskarten
- Link to Online Archive:
doubts destination/reception center:
I entered „to Geesthacht 122 DPACCS“ (as noted down in „remarks“)
I don’t know if DPACCS is correct or what it stands for.
Could it be D.P.A.C.C.S. = „Displaced Persons Assembly Center Camp Staff“ or „Displaced Person Assembly Center Control Staff“ ? (according to the ITS Glossary, p. 66)
Antons BROKS
Hi @routebleue ,
in these cases DPACCS stands for „Displaced Persons Assembly Center Staff“. You can use our DP-Camp inventory (https://arolsen-archives.org/content/uploads/dp-camp_inventory_2023-10-26.xlsx) to find out which DPACCS (in our case abbreviated as DPACS) number belonged to which DP-Camp. Please note: this is an excel file which will be downloaded directly from our website by following the link.
The DP-Camp inventory was created in 2014 in an attempt to provide an initial overview of where Displaced Persons (DPs) were accommodated within the Western Occupation Zones of Germany and Berlin.
All the best and have a nice weekend,
Thanks a lot for sharing this (and similar) background information, @annabell.boerger !
Once again an inspiration for volunteers trying to understand what they are entering.
Thanks to the whole team for your patience and commitment!
A wonderful weekend to everybody!
(This brightened up my day!)