[Lager Neustadt DP3-Karten] do_aD5f2XXLCf4ybuhVDanjD

  • Document ID: do_aD5f2XXLCf4ybuhVDanjD
  • Document Collection: 7-5-31-Museum Cap Arcona -Arbeitskarten
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

doubts about entry in „address“

entry in „address“:
„From Wentorf A.C. 1217A“ - in a handwriting that differs from „D.P.1.“

Where do I enter „A.C. 1217A“?
a) in „address“? [ „A.C. 1217A D.P.1.“ ]
b) in „(+) destination“? [ „From Wentorf A.C. 1217A“ ]

So far I have opted for b), because the handwritings suggest that AC 1217A and Wentdorf belong together. But I’m not sure at all.
(I didn’t find out about the camp number)

Hello @routebleue,

please use option a), enter: „A.C. 1217A D.P.1“ in „Address“.

AC 1217 is also Wentdorf (Wentorf), see:

Best regards,

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks a lot for the clarification and your extra work!
A good day to you!