- Document ID: do_jD38BwJEEECGP9dxZ5JdW
- Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“
missing data
Arolsen has two prisoners named like this and with the prisoner number 80621 (as noted in this card.)
date of birth: 13.04.1925 in Gostynin
02.05.1943 arrested by Stapo Gostynin
interned in Auschwitz (number 141871)
15.08.1944 transferred to Buchenwald (Buchenwald number 80621)
February 1945 transferred to Flossenbürg (number ?)
26.04.1945 arrival in Dachau. (number ?)
He was liberated there.
(Could this be him? Like the prisoner in this card he arrived in Dachau in April 1945, during the chaos of the final Dachau days. So maybe he didn’t get a number nor an entry in a register book?)
https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/5283422 -
date of birth: 18.02.1922 in Krakau
arrested Oct. 1944
deported to Gross-Rosen (number ?)
liberated in Dachau (Dachau number 80621)
most likely him too: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/10725789
I could not identify him.
This seems to be a quite common name as there are several prisoners in other sources too.
(It’s strange though that 2 prisoners named identically have the same pris. number, in different camps…)