[Kartei der polnischen Häftlinge aus dem Konzentrationslager Dachau (übergeben vom Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)] 134816018

  • Document ID: 134816018
  • Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“

Discussion Question

doubts last name - missing data

last name:
typo? - last name is probably „Laskarzewski“ (see his signature and his other documents)

prisoner numbers:
81998 (Buchenwald)
2453 (Stalag VI-C)
[?] Dachau

place of birth:
Luck (see this document), other documents read „Horodinie, Wolhynien“ or similar.
Could it be what is today Horodyni in Lutsk Raion, Volyn, Ukraine ? (geonames ID 708371)

#pow #kgf
He returned.
