- Document ID: 134813585
- Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“
missing data:
I left the fields of prisoner number and place of birth blank and did not enter the Polish notes.
(brak danych = no data, according to translator)
date and place of birth:
Only one Arolsen file says Józef KOZLOWSKI was born on 12.12.1915.
There are a lot of documents referring to a prisoner with this name and date of birth 08.12.1915.
Because of the data given in these documents I think these two men are identical.
If so, his place of birth would be „Hutków, Zamość, Lublin“
prisoner number:
159267 is given in the above Arolsen document, maybe his Dachau number?
(4703 is his Buchenwald number)
I wonder if this is him: a violinist playing a traditional tune on a post-war record.