[Häftlingspersonalkarten Stutthof Basics] 133544304

  • Document ID: 133544304
  • Document Collection: 1-1-41-7 Dokumentation aus dem Archiv des Museum Stutthof

Discussion Question

On this card, there is a stamp „Häftling der Lagerstufe 3“ - ist this also a prisoner category?

Lagerstufe III refers to the classification of concentration camps and provides conclusions about the conditions of detention and work. While the Stutthof concentration camp officially had Lagerstufe I, the Mauthausen concentration camp was classified with level III. According to the information on the document, Siegismund Garbe was transferred to the Mauthausen concentration camp in June 1944. The information on the camp level is thus not a prisoner category.
The abbreviation „PA“ means „Politische Abteilung“. The prisoner category is „Polizeihäftling“.

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Please also enter „PA“ in the field „prisoner category“ as shown here. Thank you!

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