[Häftlingspersonalkarten Stutthof Basics] 133545727

  • Document ID: 133545727
  • Document Collection: 1-1-41-7 Dokumentation aus dem Archiv des Museum Stutthof

Discussion Question

Prisoner Category PA?

In the help text regarding the prisoner category I read that PA should be entered as a category. But what does it mean?

According to the ITS Glossary it could be „Personalausweis“ (Identity Papers, see p. 201), but I suppose it could mean something else as a category

It could be like „politische Aktion“ like political activity because of the red angle?
Or it could be like „Polizeiarrest“ means police detention?

According to our research, the abbreviation PA means „Politische Abteilung“.

3 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks @fonte9 and @franziska.schubert :+1: