[Häftlingspersonalbögen Stutthof mixed] 133439620

  • Document ID: 133439620
  • Document Collection: 1-1-41-7 Dokumentation aus dem Archiv des Museum Stutthof

Discussion Question

Paul Paulsen. #7066

Hi patagonia, es heißt „die 7066 bitte ignorieren und nicht als weitere Nummer eintragen. Die Bedeutung ist noch unklar“, siehe auch : [Admin zu 7066] ([Häftlingspersonalbögen Stutthof mixed] 133438589 - #4 von franziska.schubert)

HI, @norbert.dichter, Hi, Norbert, I read it, but since it says that they are still investigating, I thought it would be interesting to start recording it. I do not write it in the form. I appreciate your help. Thank you!!!

1 „Gefällt mir“

I know there are not hashtags (so far?), I just want to mark Mr. Paulsen for a future colleague. I have no idea how else to do this.

hi, @macakm just type „danish“ , with hashtag or not, then in a future search, it will appear in the top search box. I used the #, used to the old platform. I understand that it is not necessary. Regards. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you! You are right, there is always the search-box☺
Have a nice day.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Many thanks to all who are also researching the meaning of „7066“. Maybe together we can find out what the number is.

It might be a post-war note from the Polish Red Cross. All documents I’ve seen so far had that stamp on them.

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