- Document ID: 132721755
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/132721755
#austria POB: Vienna
Changed his name in Les Salter after the war:
Salter, Les oral history interview
His story:
EHRI - Rover Boy Scout set of green epaulets with fleur-de-lis worn by a Jewish refugee
EHRI - Les L. Salter collection
He, his parents and sister applied for emigration in Vienna in 1938:
Father: Hugo Salzer
Hugo Salzer (1881 - 1941) - Genealogy
Mother: Theresa Senf
Theresia Therese Salzer (Senf) (1900 - 1941) - Genealogy
Applicant is his sister