[CLI Part 26] do_yqWsMV3Wy9YGhocZtPLo8


Discussion Question

Samuel BRAVMANN #german #jewish

#typo DOB should be 1894 or 1895 (depending on what sources you trust)
#typo DOB of #2 should be 1900

Source: https://photos.yadvashem.org/photo-details.html?language=en&item_id=14096940&ind=0

Source: https://photos.yadvashem.org/photo-details.html?language=en&item_id=14200862&ind=0

Samuel BRAVMANN (* 1894/1895-02-10 in Unteraltertheim, Germany; + in Auschwitz)

Son of Samuel BRAVMANN and Bertha (Berta) BRAVMANN, née WEINSCHENK (Veinshenk).

Married to Martha Winter.
They had two children:

  • Siegbert BRAVMANN
  • Bianca BRAVMANN

They lived in Nürnberg, and moved on 1938-12-01 to Munich, Jakob-Klar-Straße 8/I, later Schubertstraße 2/1, and in the Altenheim der Israelitischen Kultisgemeinde, Mathildenstraße 8/9.
Imprisoned in the „Internierungslager“ Clemens-August-Straße 9.

Deported on 1942-07-10 to Theresienstadt, and on the 1942-10-26 to Auschwitz.
He did not survive.


Martha BRAVMANN, née WINTER (* 1900-08-01 in Wittelshofen; + in Auschwitz)

Daughter of Salomon (Solomon) WINTER and Hedwig WINTER.


Siegbert (Ziegbert) BRAVMANN (* 1922-09-19 in Wittelshofen; + in Auschwitz)

Deported with his father to Theresienstadt and to Auschwitz.
He did not survive.


Bianca BRAVMANN (* 1928-04-15 in Wittelshofen; Survivor)

She managed to flee to England in 1939-02 via a child transport.
She did survive.




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