[CLI_Part_22] 132179048 Nandorne SZENTPALY


Discussion Question



What a strange coincidence - I don´t know how many cards this workflow contains, but yesterday I classified another card of Mrs. Szentpaly, given it is the same person, and I´m almost sure she is:

What do you think, @carola.b @routebleue?

Nandor Laszlo Istvan Szentpaly (1894 - d.) - Genealogy (geni.com)

1 „Gefällt mir“

As for Mrs. Szentpaly´s prename: In Hungary formerly it was custom that wifes take over the prename of their husbands with an additional ending -ne, e.g. Nandorne Friedmann https://www.ushmm.org/online/hsv/person_view.php?PersonId=8254589. I found this custom some time ago within a note in ushmm but can´t find it anymore, see more here: Hungarian surnames - MyHeritage Wiki

1 „Gefällt mir“

Most likely Nandor, Szofia and their daughter Judit on yadvashem

Hi @moewenzahn, thanks for your info concerning Hungarian names!
(I deleted my 2 comments as they weren’t really useful :wink:

A sunny day for everybody!