- Document ID: 132028147
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
David (Hersz) Interligator was born on 10/07/1900 in Opozno (Poland). He was the son of Isak Interligator and Ruchler née Katz. He is a tailor and lives at 5, rue Crussol, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. He was married to Jochnet, née Blauder, with whom he had four children: Joseph, born in 1925, Jacques, born in 1927, Moshe, born in 1930, and Hélène, born in 1931. He was arrested by the French police during the „green ticket“ round-up on 14/05/1941 and interned in the Pithiviers camp. David Interligator was deported by convoy 6, which left the Pithiviers camp for Auschwitz on 17/07/1942. His Auschwitz camp registration number was 48995. He was assigned to the Jawischowitz mine until the end of March 1943, when he was sent back to the Auschwitz camp. When the camp was evacuated in January 1945, he was sent to the Buchenwald camp and assigned to the Ohrdruf kommando. He was liberated by the American army on 13/04/1945 and repatriated to France on 18/05/1945. His wife and their son Jacques were arrested during the Vel d’Hiv roundup and were both deported by convoy 15.
David INTERLEGATOR (1900 - d.) - Genealogy (geni.com) (with misspelled surname)
Wife: Jochwet Blander/Bilander
Son: Jacques Interligator
Applicant Maurice Interligator is his son: