Document ID: 131977923
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
She was deported from Frankfurt / Main on the 1941-11-22 to Kaunas, were she was murdered on arrival:
See also:
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/70353000
- https://yvng.yadvashem.org/index.html?language=en&s_id=&s_lastName=Hessenberger&s_firstName=Rosa&s_place=&s_dateOfBirth=&cluster=true (first entry)
Her husband:
Markus HESSENBERGER (see https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/76825903)
Her daughters:
- Johanna (Sara) SCHÖNFELD, née HESSENBERGER (* 1883-03-06 in Flieden, + Kaunas):
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/11200076 (transfer list to Kaunas, same faith as mother)
- Cäcilie (Sara) ZUNTZ, née HESSENBERGER (* 1887-04-26 in Staden, + in Kaunas)
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/11200084 (transfer list to Kaunas, same faith as mother)
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/70372133
- Bertha (Sara) OCHS, née HESSENBERGER (* 1891-01-15)
- Adelheid (Sara) OCHS, née HESSENBERGER (* 1885-03-25 in Staden, + 1940-05-01 in Hanau):
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/76825903 (death certificate)
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/70400740
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/70400752
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/70400764
- married to: Isidor OCHS (* 1887-05-06):
MtL - Mapping the Lives - senior
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
her daughter Johanna: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
her daughter Cäcilie: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
Zuntz, Leopold, Cäcilie und Hermann | FRANKFURT.DE - DAS OFFIZIELLE STADTPORTAL
her daughter Bertha: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
Ochs, Bertha, Max, Irmgard und Edgar | FRANKFURT.DE - DAS OFFIZIELLE STADTPORTAL
her daughter Adelheid: MtL - Mapping the Lives