Document ID: 131976988
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Searching for the last indicated address one founds
- his mother Luise Hess, née Mecklenburg, born in Königsberg in 1873: MtL - Mapping the Lives
- his father Siegfried Hess, born in Hamburg-Altona in 1862: MtL - Mapping the Lives
This leads to this source, where Walter, born in Hamburg in 1898, is mentioned as well: Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Namen, Orte und Biografien suchen
Walter was married to Sigrid, née Wolfers: MtL - Mapping the Lives
This must be him then: MtL - Mapping the Lives
This should be his son Oswald, born in Hamburg in 1930: MtL - Mapping the Lives
In early January 1941 he and his family received the deportation orders, that was when his mother-in-law Gertrude Wolfers declared that her daughter Sigrid was the illigitimate child of an „aryan“, i.e. Walter’s and Sigrid’s marriage "was changed to that of a "privileged mixed marriage,” which postponed his and his sons’ deportation. His wife, Sigrid Hess, née Wolfers, was given the status of an "Aryan” by dint of her three "Aryan grandparents.” Paul Mendel, the lawyer who represented Gertrud Wolfers, recalled in 1956: „I took the court’s ruling to the family in person. I still remember clearly how all of them cried with joy and tore up the yellow stars.”
But the status change had no benefit for Louise Hess. One day before she was to be deported, on 17 July 1942, she committed suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. She was buried at the Jewish Cemetery in Ohlsdorf.“ - Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Namen, Orte und Biografien suchen
Thank you @jweste3460 for your research, very very interesting!