Document ID: 131962356
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Arthur MANSBACH (*1898-06-24 in Fritzlar, Germany)
He was born in Fritzlar, Germany, and was living in Neuss, Germany. He was deported on 1941-12-11 from Düsseldorf to Riga, Latvia.
He was also at Dachau from 1938-11-17 to 1938-12-09 (see Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 01010607 221 - Documents with names from NAGY, ZOLTAN and Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 805460003 - Entry register, prisoner numbers 023757 - 029565, here as Artur MAUSBACH, which is a typo in that document).
He most likely did not survive.
See also MtL - Mapping the Lives and Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry.
He is also mentioned in the document of his son:
Johanna MANSBACH, born HIRTZ (*1890-09-23 in Grevenbroich, Germany)
See https://yvng.yadvashem.org/index.html?language=en&s_id=&s_lastName=Mansbach&s_firstName=Johanna&s_place=&s_dateOfBirth=&cluster=true (3rd and 5th document).
She lived together with her husband in Neuss, Germany.
She was deported to Riga, Latvia, together with her husband on 1941-12-11 from Düsseldorf.
She did not survive.
Her parents were Adolf HIRTZ and Emilie HIRTZ, born OSTER.
See also MtL - Mapping the Lives and Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry.
She is also mentioned in the document of her son:
Fritz MANSBACH (*1925-10-05 in Osnabrück, Germany, + 1945-01-05 in CC Buchenwald)
T/D Number 196929
See https://yvng.yadvashem.org/index.html?language=en&s_id=&s_lastName=Mansbach&s_firstName=Fritz&s_place=&s_dateOfBirth=&cluster=true (1st document).
He was living together with his parents at Neuss, Germany.
He was deported to Riga, Latvia, together with his family n 1941-11-12 from Düsseldorf, where he arrived 1943-11-16.
He was transferred to CC Stutthof (Prisoner Number 60298) on the 1944-08-09 and further to CC Buchenwald (Prisoner Number: 82716) from 1944-08-16 until his death on 1945-01-05.
Documents from Buchenwald:
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/5283432
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/5284180
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 23120001 084 - Documents with names from MALENKO, Wasilij
Two additional documents can be found, with the birth date of 1926-11-05, which might be a typo, or not related to him:
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 23120001 231 - Documents with names from MANO, Raoul (died on the same date in Buchenwald, but was born in Köln)
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 10006566 - List of graves of Jews who deceased in branch camp Tröglitz and were buried in Gera (a list capturing the same information as above)
He died in Buchenwald 1945-01-05, officially due to „Herzschwäche bei Darmstarr u. allg. Körperschwäche“.
He was at Außenkommando Wille of CC Buchenwald.
See also MtL - Mapping the Lives and Gedenkbuch - Suche im Gedenkbuch.
Ernst Günther MANSBACH (*1927-12-03 in Duisburg, Germany, + 1945-01-17 at CC Stutthof)
He was born in Duisburg, and lived in Fritzlar with his family.
He was deported together with the rest of his family to Riga, and than to CC Stutthof on the 1944-08-09 (together with his brother Fritz), where he died 1945-01-17.
See also MtL - Mapping the Lives and Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry.
Brother documents of Buchenwald:
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 01010503 001.320.054 - Personal file of MANSBACH, FRITZ, born on 5-Oct-1926
- Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 01010503 001.320.054 - Personal file of MANSBACH, FRITZ, born on 5-Oct-1926
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/6564048
- https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/87378108
Ascher MANSBACH (*1865-10-05 in Mazadken, + 1942-04-12 in Bendorf-Sayn)
He lived in Fritzlar and Neuss.
He was at the „Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hindenburgstr. 49“ in Bendorf.
He was most likely deported to Izbica, Poland, from Köln on the 1942-06-15 (together with his wife), if he didn’t die before that date.
See also https://www.ancestry.de/discoveryui-content/view/186176:1411
Emma Anna MANSBACH, born MARX (* 1865-01-08 in Gruesen, Germany)
She lived in Fritzlar and Neuss.
She was at the „Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Hindenburgstr. 49“ in Bendorf.
She was deported to Izbica, Poland, from Köln on the 1942-06-15, where she most likely died.
See also MtL - Mapping the Lives and Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry.