[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131935485

  • Document ID: 131935485
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Karl SCHNEIDER (* 1860-07-17 in Austria)

Karl SCHNEIDER (* 1860-07-17 in Vienna)

He was deported from Vienna to Riga on the 1942-01-26 (Transport 15)

He did not survive.


Marie SCHNEIDER, née EHRLICH (* 1873-10-16 in Krasna)

Deported with her husband to Riga.

She did not survive.


Hedwig MAY, née SCHNEIDER (* 1896-01-24)

no records found

Oscar BRILL (* 1878)

Most likely Oskar BRILL, * 1878-10-09 in Teschen, deported 1941-10-23 from Vienna to Litzmannstadt.

He did not survive


Anna Dorothea BRILL (* 1926)

no fully matching record found