[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131960763

  • Document ID: 131960763
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Germaine MARCUS

Most likely Germaine MARCUS, born SECKEL (*1884-02-25 in Paris) (see MtL - Mapping the Lives), who lived in Berlin, and was deported to Auschwitz 1943-02-03, where she died:

She is mentioned in a transport list (https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/127212204).
Her card in the Card file of the Amt für die Erfassung der Kriegsopfer: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/130619980
She is also listed here: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/index.html?language=en&s_id=&s_lastName=Marcus&s_firstName=Germaine&s_place=&s_dateOfBirth=&cluster=true
and here: Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag

You are right, it must be her, Germaine Marcus was a née Seckel, according to his source: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=7206909&ind=1
And Marie Quita Vogelsdorf, the applicant of the CLI-card also submitted the page of testimony for Mrs. Marcus, she was a née Seckel as well.