Document ID: 131960857
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
He was living at Altdamm, Stettin.
He was deported in 1941 to Poland, most likely directly to Lublin.
He was at KZ Lublin.
He died in 1942 in a concentration camp, most likely Lublin.
He did not survive.
His parenst were Joel MARCUSE and Rose MARCUSE.
He was married to Philippine MARCUSE, née LEWIN (* 1902-07-08 in Falkenburg, Germany).
She was deported in 1941 to Poland.
She was murdered in a gas chamber in Belzec in 1942-10-13.
She had a sister, Kathy R. NELKEN, née LEWIN
They had a daughter, Betty LEWIN.