[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131960857

  • Document ID: 131960857
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Albert Alexander MARCUSE (* 1891-03-31 in Altdamm, Germany)

He was living at Altdamm, Stettin.

He was deported in 1941 to Poland, most likely directly to Lublin.
He was at KZ Lublin.
He died in 1942 in a concentration camp, most likely Lublin.

He did not survive.

His parenst were Joel MARCUSE and Rose MARCUSE.

He was married to Philippine MARCUSE, née LEWIN (* 1902-07-08 in Falkenburg, Germany).
She was deported in 1941 to Poland.
She was murdered in a gas chamber in Belzec in 1942-10-13.


She had a sister, Kathy R. NELKEN, née LEWIN

They had a daughter, Betty LEWIN.
