[Auswandererkartei Bremen (International Refugee Organization-Kartei)] do_muZ3oJgX81okk1k4HBDqe

  • Document ID: do_muZ3oJgX81okk1k4HBDqe
  • Document Collection: 7-5-18 Auswandererkartei (IRO Kartei) des Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • Link to Online Archive:

Discussion Question

ship - doubts emigrant

ship should read „Volendam“

After WWII the steamer was also used to transport Mennonite refugees from Europe to South America. One of the transports " […] by the Volendam was in October 1948, that of a group of 751 West Prussian and Galician Mennonites (the Danzig Refugees) for Montevideo, Uruguay, and a num­ber of Mennonites from Russia, who intended to go to Paraguay, and who disembarked in Buenos Aires."
(quote from source, emphasis mine)

The „Volendam“ left Bremerhaven on 06. or 07.10.1948 and arrived in Argentina on 28.10.1948.
One of the passengers was Helmut DUECK (said to be born in 1914) (see this list of Mennonite immigrants in Argentina)

I’m not sure about the emigrant mentioned in this card.
In the Arolsen online archive I only found a 4-year-old child named Helmut DYCK in the passenger list of „General Langfitt“ leaving for Canada on 13.10.1948, together with his family (?), the four of them Mennonites.