- Document ID: 7383351
- Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-Individuelle H�ftlingsunterlagen-KL Buchenwald
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/7383351
hard to decipher and typos /different versions/spellings in his other Arolsen documents)
first name reads „Romauld“ (= typo, „Romuald“ is correct)
POB reads „Litenau“ (most likely typo or mishearing, „Blütenau (Kwieciszewo), Mogilno“ should be correct, see here and the other sources below)
mother’s POR reads „Kriewen/Kosten“ (most likely correct, see Wikipedia)
committing authority „Kripo/Stapo Pol.“, ( most likely typo, other documents read „Gestapo Posen“)
Romuald WEGNER, born in Kwieciszewo (Blütenau/Mogilno) on 17.11.1914
He died in Dachau on 04.04.1942.