[1-1-26-3_HPK_Mauthausen_Männer_Part1_Challenge2025] 1390014 Idro Cervellati #italian

  • Document ID: 1390014
  • Document Collection: 1-1-26-3_individuelle Unterlagen Mauthausen M�nner (HPK)

Discussion Question

Idro Cervellati #italian
Asked by @macakm

The Cervellati family often helped young soldiers in disarray after the armistice of 8 September 1943: they offered food and clothing to those hiding to avoid imprisonment. In addition, on their small farm the partisans built a small hut for stopping and refreshment.
On 12 December 1944, republicans and the S.S. surrounded the house and arrested the father Carlo and his two brothers. Their mother Clementina and sister Stella later learned that their relatives had been taken first to Bologna, then to Mantua. Finally, on 22 December 1944, the three Cervellati were deported to the Gusen-Mauthausen concentration camp where they died. Irnerio died in Gusen (Austria) on 2 April 1945, Idro died on 19 April 1945 in Mauthausen, while the date of death of his father Carlo, born on 12 April 1895 in Minerbio, is unknown.