Rudolfs Balodis #latv

  • Document ID: 15062767a
  • Document Collection: DP3 of CNI - Central Name Index

Discussion Question

Rudolfs Balodis #latv.
Asked by @mally

Rūdolfs Balodis war ein lettischer Fotograf, geboren am 22. August 1901 in Riga und gestorben am 22. Oktober 1948 in Schweinfurt, Deutschland.Von 1928 bis 1940 betrieb er ein eigenes Fotostudio in Riga

Rūdolfs Balodis was a Latvian photographer, born on August 22, 1901, in Riga, and died on October 22, 1948, in Schweinfurt, Germany. From 1928 to 1940, he operated his own photography studio in Riga.

Seine Arbeit als Fotograf:

His work as a photographer
