Document ID: 6715820
Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-individuelle Unterlagen Buchenwald Männer
The sub-camp is Anhydrit, and there’s a crossed out 63 and another no. I can’t read.
I think the second number is 43.
I agree about the sub-camp and the 63 as block number, but the second number is 48.
Thank you @elke.helmentag and @marie.lindner !!. but My question was about the name of the concentration camp.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Anhydrit is associated with the Harzungen sub-commando. This was subordinate to Buchenwald concentration camp from April 1944 to the end of October 1944 and was then continued as a sub-commando of the now independent Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp.
I hope this answer is more helpful now.
Thank you, @elke.helmentag , It is very clear