[Postkontrollkarten Männer Buchenwald] 6638114

  • Document ID: 6638114
  • Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-individuelle Unterlagen Buchenwald Männer

Discussion Question

Wa bedeutet das B.V. unter Haftart und Dikal rot unterstrichen ?

BV = Berufsverbrecher
career or professional criminal (i.e. “Berufsverbrecher” is the most commonly-used term for this abbreviated prisoner designation, which was also officially known in full as Befristete Vorbeugungshaft [= limited term preventive custody] or Beschränkte Verhaftung”
[= limited or short term imprisonment]) Note Well: following this and several other common prisoner type abbreviations is frequently a designation of the prisoner’s nationality, e.g. “BV T” indicates “Berufsverbrecher Tscheche” (i.e. “career criminal Czech”); all possible combinations are not provided in this Glossary.
See also entries for: “BSV” and “SV”
Quelle: https://secure.ushmm.org/individual-research/Glossary.pdf

Dikal = Darf in kein anderes Lager
Quelle: https://secure.ushmm.org/individual-research/Glossary.pdf

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