[Postkontrollkarten Männer Buchenwald] 6520255

  • Document ID: 6520255
  • Document Collection: 1-1-5-3-individuelle Unterlagen Buchenwald Männer

Discussion Question

Bitte um Hilfe zur Abkürzung des Außenlagers …X

Berga? ("Berga Concentration Camp (i.e. subcamp of Buchenwald code named
„Schwalbe V“ [= „Swallow V“] where a subterranean synthetic fuel
factory and associated facilities were being constructed near the town
of Berga an der Elster; this camp is notable for having had captured
American servicemen laboring among its other prisoners)

BrgX (X hier römisch 10)

Vergleiche z.B.:

1 „Gefällt mir“

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