- Document ID: 9703928
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9703928
Levi Taub survived and died in 1993 in Antwerp:
See also:
Deported with his wife and 5 of their 6 children on Convoy XI
Wife: Pavla Horovicz
Son: Israel Taub *15-08-1927 (also deported)
Son: Samuel Taub *28-11-1928
Daughter: Bertha Taub *11-01-1930
Daughter: Esther Taub *14-09-1931
Son: Henri Taub *23-05-1933
Daughter: Astrid Taub *04-06-1934
Father: Herman Taub (Deported on Convox VI)
Mother: Laura Maisels (deported on Convoy XII)