[Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 13] 9780544


Discussion Question

prisoner numbers on 2 cards - #jew
Asked by @routebleue

There are obviously two cards on top of each other.
I only entered the data of the upper card (name and two prisoner numbers).

Wolf ZAKS (* 28.07.1915) - #polish
He returned (see his DP card)

the visible prisoner numbers of the lower card (Buchenwald 124450 - Auschwitz B 13857) refer to a different prisoner:
MUDr. Hugo KRÁTKÝ (KURZBAUER), born in Doubrova (Czechia) on 28.06.1906 - #czech
He returned.

(with dob 18.06.1906) https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/search?s=hugo%20kurzbauer