[Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 13] 9778762 - french - jew


Discussion Question

#jew - #french - #polish place of birth
Asked by @routebleue

Max Mayer POUTCHITS, born in Warsaw on 10.10.1892, residence in Grenoble, Paris
naturalized in France in 1928, see document
I do hope he survived. The evidence below suggests this, but I don’t know what happened to him after Buchenwald.

Fact: He arrived in Buchenwald on 26 Jan 1945 (from Auschwitz)

fate not mentioned:
(pdf) https://archives.paris.fr/_depot_ad75/_depot_arko/ead/INV2411.pdf

He was murdered according to these sources:
(with year of death 1944) findagrave

He survived according to these sources:
Liste des 100 déportés du convoi 76 entrés au camp de Buchenwald le 26 janvier 1945, see
note on page 23: „Rentré – libéré au camp“ (returned/liberated in camp)

His family, mentioned in this YV testimony.
daughter: Rosette POUTCHITS, born 17.10.1922, (also see naturalisation document above) She was murdered in Meylan, Grenoble in March 1944. (Her death is also mentioned here, p. 234)
son: Paul POUTCHITS (the submitter of the testimony, residence Chavenay), probably born 07.08.1928 in Paris 12e, deceased in Chavenay 02.11.2019
acte de naissance
acte de deces
wife: Marie Mathilde HERZBERG/HERCBERG (*20.10.1897 in Warsaw)
naturalisations en France

1 „Gefällt mir“

He definitely survived:

Verfahren Mayer Poutchits (*10.10.1892), 12 Rue Yves Toudic, Paris 10, gegen das Deutsche Reich - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Thanks for adding this puzzle piece, @carola.b !
Have a good evening!