[Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 12] 9758961


Discussion Question

identity/name? - #french ? - #italian ? - #resistance ?
Asked by @routebleue

Maybe three names, but one person? I’m not really sure because of the different places and dates of death. Various other points, however, seem to match…
Any ideas ? @velthove1, @carola.b

Alfredo Lorenzo GERVASONI (alias Paul GERVAIS Le Grand Paul), born in San Gallo (Italy) on 24.05.1915 –


deceased in Dora on 08.05.1945 here:

same date of death, POB San Gallo; arrested in Injoux-Génissiat (F) here:


Paul GERVAIS, born in Injoux-Génissiat (France) on 24.05.1915
He died in Ohrdruf in March 1945
his Arolsen documents

Paul GERVAI, born in Injoux-Génissiat (France) on 24.05.1915
his Arolsen documents (data like in this Buchenwald number card)

Hi @routebleue .
I agree with you that these 3 people are probably he same person.

GERVAIS would be an alias for GERVASONI.

  1. List of Birth records for Injoux-Genissat

No trace of a „Gervais“ family.
The Gervasoni family first appears after 1929

  1. Geneanet:
    (There is also no trace of a Gervais family on [geneanet(Persoon : GERVAIS - Injoux - Doorzoek alle akten - Geneanet).)

  2. Geneafrance
    No Gervais family in Injoux according to geneafrance

the Gervasconi family first appears after 1929

very best regards

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you so much for this extra work, @velthove!